
  • Brian Holzman

    Brian Holzman

    - by tamueducation

    Dr. Brian Holzman is an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development at Texas A&M University. His research examines the pathway from middle school to and through college, paying particular attention to educational equity and structural barriers among first- and second-generation immigrants, English learners, students of color, and students from socioeconomically marginalized backgrounds. Dr. Holzman’s ongoing work includes a study of recent immigrant students and school structures than enable their English language acquisition, as well as a study of pathways to and through STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) in the wake of a state policy change to high school graduation requirements. He is also co-principal investigator of a National Science Foundation-funded middle school text messaging field experiment that aims to improve parent engagement and child academic and socioemotional outcomes. Dr. Holzman completed his graduate education at Stanford University, earning a master’s degree in sociology and a Ph.D. in sociology of education and higher education administration. Prior to joining Texas A&M, Dr. Holzman worked as a postdoctoral fellow and research scientist at the Houston Education Research Consortium at Rice University.

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  • Staff photo Unavailable

    Christopher Cherry

    - by tamueducation

    Office: Harrington Tower, 107H

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  • Kim, Junghwan

    Junghwan Kim

    - by tamueducation


    Junghwan Kim, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Adult Education and Human Resource Development (HRD) and the Program Leader of Adult Education.

    Areas of Scholarly Interest:

    • Adult and Workplace Learning
    • Community Engagement and Development
    • Equity and Inclusion in Adult Education and Workforce Development
    • (Inter-)National Lifelong Learning and HRD Policies and Practices
    • Sociocultural Perspectives on Leadership and Learning
    • Work, Leadership, and Learning for Organizational and Social Change
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  • chaddrick

    Chaddrick James-Gallaway

    - by tamueducation

    Dr. Chaddrick James-Gallaway received his Ph.D. in Higher Education with a concentration in the Sociology of Education from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. A proud community college alumnus, he earned his AA from Delta College and his BA from the University of Michigan.

    Dr. James-Gallaway’s research broadly examines race, racism, anti-Black racism and the racialized experiences of Students of Color across P-20 educational contexts. As a scholar and practitioner, his expertise in cross-racial intergroup dialogues focuses particularly on how People of Color respond to racial issues and how white students engage the experiences of People of Color within educational settings. He is a qualitative researcher and critical race theorist, who seeks to advance understanding of cross-racial interactions to better support Students of Color at historically white institutions.

    As an affiliate of the Office of Community College Research and Leadership (OCCRL), he is also focused on improving the transition to and through college for historically marginalized groups. In this capacity, Dr. James-Gallaway has authored policy briefs on, designed, and implemented racially conscious professional development trainings on racial microaggressions, addressing racialized community college climates, and intergroup dialogue for faculty, staff, and administrators.

    Select Publications
    Abrica, E., Garcia-Louis, C., and James-Gallaway, C. (2019). Antiblackness in the Hispanic-serving community college (HSCC) context: Black male collegiate experiences through the lens of settler colonial logics. Race, Ethnicity, and Education. doi: 10.1080/13613324.2019.1631781.

    Dixson, A. D., James-Gallaway, C., Cardenas, N., & Perkins, R. (2019). Critical perspectives on school choice: An examination of race, class, and gender in school choice policies. In Handbook of Research on School Choice, (2nd ed.). Routledge.

    Select Briefs
    James-Gallaway, C. & Turner, F. (2020, January). Identifying and responding to racial microaggressions.
    James-Gallaway, C. (2019, September). Racial realities of community college institutional climates.

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  • Salazar, Cinthya headshot

    Cinthya Salazar

    - by tamueducation

    Dr. Cinthya Salazar received her Ph.D. in Higher Education, Student Affairs, and International Education Policy from the University of Maryland in 2020 and joined the Educational Administration and Human Resource Development department at Texas A&M University as an Assistant Professor during the same year. Dr. Salazar teaches graduate level courses in higher education administration and qualitative research methodologies. She is an active member of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE), serving as a selected member for the Presidential Commission for Undocumented and DACAmented Students.

    Dr. Salazar’s research focuses on the mechanisms used by undocumented students to access, persist, and succeed in higher education. Through her scholarship, she seeks to generate localized retention theories and student success models which can potentially reduce minoritized students’ college attrition. Dr. Salazar’s research and pedagogy are informed by her former experiences as a higher education administrator. She worked as a student affairs professional for over eight years, primarily in student retention and success programs. Dr. Salazar continues to be an active member of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), supporting practitioners committed to creating equitable learning environments for minoritized students.


    • Undocumented students with and without DACA
    • Minoritized students’ success in higher education
    • College access and retention
    • Participatory action research


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  • Devyn Cima headshot

    Devyn Cima

    - by joshua.siegel

    514 Harrington Tower

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